Sunday, April 3, 2011
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"Ok. So if you haven't seen Octopus at Stray Cat Theatre now's your chance. I'm giving this one eleventeen stars. The show is hilarious and terrifying." - LT

"Sooo, Jonathan Furedy amazed me again with his acting abilities. He never ceases to amaze and inspire me :D FANTASTIC. And David Weiss was incredible as well. Everyone should go see this show. NOW. This weekend and next weekend is closing weekend. It's worth it. And ill def. go again." - TG

"Go see Stray Cat's "Octopus"! It's flawless!" - NC

Best show I've seen all year! Such a fantastic piece of art! It makes me feel good to see that there are shows out there that make think. This show was beyond words; The acting was incomparable to any show i have seen in Arizona in a VERY long time. Such strong performances from the entire 5 person cast. The nudity and sex scene was acted with such grace, i had barely noticed they were naked. The set was divine, and the ending was so chilling; even now, 3 hours after seeing the show, i cant stop thinkiing about it. it is the only show i have ever wanted to see twice. Hurry people! this how is somethign you won't get to see often, and probably wont get another chance to see for a very long time. Tickets are cheap compared to the amount of entertainment you get out of it. Wonderful, just simply wonderful. - Anon,

This is a must see show that you will forever regret not seeing if you miss it. A sensational cast of actors that cohesively work together to bring an emotionally charged show to life. Not since Damon Dering's Nearly Naked production of "Take Me Out" has a cast interacted and worked so well together to bring awareness and a message to an audience. Eric Boudreau's emotionally charged and dramatic portrayal as Blake is certainly his best work ever performed on stage and definately worthy of an AriZoni Award. Equally, outstanding is Ian Christiansen's performance as Max which is so captivating that it will take your breath away to see his character change and disintgrate to the brink of insanity. This show is certainly the best and will be ultimately my all time favorite from Ron May and Stray Cat. When I left the theatre I was emotionally impacted by the performances. It is such a rareity to experience theatre of this magnitude that moves you so. - Greg Yagi,

Wow! Simply Wow! This show makes you think about how something so simple can turn into something so complex. Everything from the design, to the script, to the direction, and ending up with the entire performance. It was mind blowing and breath-taking. Eric Boudreau and Jonathan Furedy compel you from the first interaction on stage and then the journey begins. The time flies by and emotions are charged whether it's happy, sad, funny, or thoughtful. In the end, Octopus makes you step back and reevaluate the way you may handle things in your life. That's what theatre is all about. Challenging the audience to think and expand their mind and influence them to be greater beings. This play will literally change your life. Bravo to Eric Boudreau, Jonathan Furedy, Ian Christensen, David Weiss, and Nathan Dobson...and Ron May for the direction. All star cast and crew. A must see!!! Especially for the Arizona theatre and nontheatre goers. - Regulator,

"Last night's showing of Octopus was effing amazing. Get out there this weekend and support an amazing production with some of the best acting I've seen in quite some time." - RS

"OCTOPUS at the STRAY CAT - a MUST see! Phoenix has such amazing talent... I think there is this weekend and next and then it's done. Dont miss out!" - KK

"Fantastic. Very intriguing & thought-provoking & funny & fierce!" - BE

"Dear Stray Cat, Your goddamn beautiful play kept me awake last night. Couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm exhausted. Good job. Thank you." - AG

"My mom, a straight-laced, shy woman sat after the performance openly weeping saying rarely has anything moved her like that." - KC