Social Media buzz for LET THE RIGHT ONE IN

Monday, May 6, 2019
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“Let the Right One In” was BEYOND AMAZING!! I saw the SCT production 3 times and it was just as good the first time as the 3rd time. Great work. The acting and story is STILL sticking with me. Great job to everyone involved." - CY

"We, in the Phoenix theater community, are so lucky to have Stray Cat Theatre that always does remarkable productions of unusual shows that no other local company would ever produce. Thanks Ron May for bringing us great theater...So glad that someone in the local community approves of and supports the fine theater the company always does." - CC

"Honestly friends, one of the best shows I’ve seen this year. Don’t miss it." - HS

"...holy FUCKS. SEVERAL of them. Ya done it again. Amazing work...absolutely blew me away. This was the type of show that reminds me just how far the limits of possibility can go in this community (read: a lot fucking further than I can think). Hands down, coolest/most theatre-boner inducing show I’ve seen in recent years. So glad I didn’t miss it." - CW

"Congrats cast and crew on an excellent closing night! You may have made me figuratively (and maybe literally...?) pee my pants just a wee (wee) bit." - KB

"Awesome evening at the theatre seeing a completely creepy and gory production of “Let the right one in”.  Great job!" - MS 

"Tempe Center for the Arts last night. Saw the final performance of Stray Cat Theatre's 'Let the Right One In.'  I'm inspired. There's nothing better than good theatre. And now, back to learning my lines for my next show. We'll let some of that inspiration flow." - RC

"Ron, thanks for making great theatre. A fun Wednesday night at “church.” My congrats to your cast and crew. Looking forward to your next season." - PW 

"I saw Let the right one in at Stray Cat Theater and it was honestly terrifying and compelling! I would definitely see this show again!" - SG

"Saw Let The Right One In last night. So fucking good! Awesome job as usual." - LA

"Last night I was able to see this amazing show at Stray Cat with these wonderful people! If you haven’t already seen “Let The Right One In” you need to, and you have tonight and tomorrow to see it! Congratulations to the cast and crew, you all did a fantastic job!! Break a leg on your closing weekend!!" - SP

"...if you saw the heart and soul that was left on that stage. You’d understand. It’s multilayered and beautiful. I have seen enough action movies to know they are acting really well, but something truly magical is happening on that Stray Cat stage. I’m not playing any games with you mutha suckas. You can sit through a 3 hour action movie...with, no shade, not any acting depths (no I haven’t seen nor will’s an action movie so let’s be real). The REAL action is happening at Stray Cat Theatre with LET THE RIGHT ONE IN!!! It’s unbelievably awesome. It’s beautifully crafted from the set, costumes, lights, and the acting! Ron May did THAT with the directing...don’t know what “that” is? Get a ticket..." - MT

"I promise it’s definitely worth your time!" - MA

"A crazy, intense, bloody show!" - MH

"I have been obsessed with how theatrical it was and how you all did the blood for like...a WEEK now. So great!" - IR

"You should definitely get some tickets to this." - CW

"Saw It last night. Brittney Watson you were amazing! It was great to see you. Everyone GO SEE IT!" - JR

"It’s an excellent show. I’d read the book and seen both versions of the film, and the stage version is solid." - JG

"Stray Cat's "Let the Right One In" is like something I've never seen before on a Phx stage. It's a masterful production. Don't be a jerk. Just see it." - HC

"Fucking brilliant!" - CC

"Another outstanding production from Stray Cat Theatre. This is mostly a love story with bloody overtones. Actually, the blood littered the stage, but most of it was done symbolically. Some of the bloodshed, however, was realistically portrayed, and some was done with humor, if you can imagine that. Still, the love story was the heart of the play. As Stray Cat’s website said, “Jack Thorne's…visceral adaptation of Let The Right One In is an enchanting, brutal vampire myth and coming-of-age love story, adapted from the best-selling novel and award-winning film.” The production once again proved that Ron May is a gifted director who gets the very best out of his talented cast. We loved it." - BO

"I've seen the movie, several times, both the Swedish and Canadian versions, so was familiar with the plot. I thought the stage production was excellent! It definitely captured the suspense, intrigue, and romantic aspects of the story. How the story was portrayed on stage, with the limits imposed by a stage (i.e., size, technical aspects, limited budget) was nicely done. Nice work by everyone involved. I also thought the actors/actresses were all superb. They did a great job portraying their respective roles. Again...great show...well executed." - GB 

"Excellent work on Let The Right One In. So good." - JM

"I saw opening night last night and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!! Every single actor is strong, with great characterization. There was never a lull or dull moment. It will have you on the edge of your seat the whole night. I felt like I was watching a movie. 
1. Everyone who likes intense, edge of your seat shows
2. Everyone who likes a quirky but sweet love story
3. Everyone who enjoys great local professional theater with amazing actors and an award-winning director
4. Everyone who needs something different and fun to do on a night out
...For those who are concered about the warnings that this is not for children...I did see a child in the audience and she stayed for the entire performance. If your child is OK with strong language by super mean bullies, can understand that the red stuff on stage is fake blood (the killings are mostly done by symbolism) and won't have nightmares regarding the storyline then you are fine. So...if you would take your child to see "SAW" then they are fine. And, to our concerned Mormon friends and family...cover your ears during the bully scenes and you will be fine. In other words...everything is fine. Now, go buy your tickets! - SW

"Crazy awesome show on Saturday night. He was sooo good! Insanely good while carrying a script and having 24 hours of prep time. 
I actually freaked out a little during the pool scene because his script got wet." - AH

"Stray Cat puts on the realest shows I have ever experienced. They choose pieces that strike all the right chords because you can really tell that everyone involved has put their heart and soul into each moment. It's one of my all time favorite places to have the opportunity to visit and I HIGHLY recommend seeing many of their shows to be able to understand the myriad of feelings you'll go through! It's a trip and it's the best one!!" - KH

"Soooo good!  Everyone go see it!!" - SS

"Great opening night. And deliciously creepy, yes. That jump scare though....*scream emoji*" - MS

"That fucking jump scare though... Jesus be a defibrillator." - VC

"This is one of those productions that you will be sorting out in your mind for days afterwards." - LD

"Fucking Beautiful" - NW

"Character study: Duane Daniels of the Veronica Mars series is in this show. His decades-long career spans both stage and screen.  This is a must see performance for Phx actors." - DC

"...go see Let the Right One In at the Tempe Center for the Arts. Fantastic production all around! that jump scare got me good. I'm going to try and see it again before it closes." - RA

"The pool scene was pulled off *spectacularly.* Trust me on that." - JG

"Interesting and bloody. The vampire was fun and entertaining." - goldstar review

"Great job with Let the Right One In. I screamed.  Mission accomplished" - CB