Brooke Unverferth

Aside from loving her family of origin, her family of choice, theatre, baking, reading, and her cats, this is all you need to know about our box office/house manager:

"Hi, name please? Oh, I see you right here. These are your programs, which are also your ticket for the the performance is (insert running time) minutes, and that (does/does not) include an intermission....seating is open, so anywhere where there's not a reserved sign...see those 8 seats right there? Could you leave those open? I try to save them for people who, unlike you, can't show up on time. Oh, something to drink - let me get you some water. Do I like the show? I think it's a great production and yes, I AM a bit partial, but it's why I like to work here. Is Ron here? No....not tonight. Sure, I'll tell him you said hi. What are the rest of our shows? Let me get you a postcard. Great - please, enjoy the show - and thank you for coming out!"